The Music of Disney

VENUE: Myron’s Cabaret Jazz Club/The Smith Center, Las Vegas
DATE: Friday, June 21, 8:00 PM
PRESENTER: David Perrico Pop Strings Orchestra
Hundreds of enthusiastic Disney movie fans, executives, patrons & music lovers crowded Myron’s Cabaret to watch, listen and applaud the 90 minute Perrico Orchestra presentation of many memorable Disney songs made famous in movies screened for over 5 decades.
Charming/talented vocals coupled with a superb 26 member orchestra under the artistic baton of David Perrico made this event a tribute to Disney and a delight to all in the audience. Costumed vocalists, brilliant orchestration, exceptional trumpet solos by a Perrico made this event a “must remember” for those standing & cheering after each song.
We are all proud of Phaeton Endorsing Artist, David Perrico, for his passion, genius and artistic skills for executing a truly spectacular event of live on-stage music extravaganza.